Chicago's #1 Nanny Resource
Lincoln Park Nannies
Login to post and connect.
Our on-line forum is extremely simple for families and nannies that want to connect on their own. Join today!
Families can directly contact sitters and nannies, post their own job descriptions, and search for a perfect fit through our forum. It's also a wonderful space for parents to refer a nanny they no longer need.
If your family doesn't have time to join the forum and wants the agency to do the work for you, then please apply on-line through our customized nanny placement and screening agency by clicking here.
If you're a nanny searching for a career position please email us to start our screening process- support@lincolnparknannies.com
We hope you enjoy the forum and if you have any questions please email support@lincolnparknannies.com.

Amelia Miller-Scherrer
Founder and Owner of Lincoln Park Nannies